App Naming

App Naming

App names are an important part of your app's experience and identity. They are the first thing many users see, whether that's in Catalogue or the launcher.

Naming isn't easy, and these guidelines don't try to be a one-size-fits-all solution. We hope that they may be of assistance in naming your app.

Do's and Do Not's


  • Relate to the app’s usage (for example: Lumiere for a video app.)
  • Be short (less than 15 characters.)
  • Be easy to pronounce for people of all ages and knowledge of language.
  • Use header case (for example: Icon Preview instead of Icon preview.)


  • Use trademarks or names of other projects (for example: tauOS Instant Video.)
  • Use a “t” prefix (for example: tMusic.)
  • Use complicated names and/or acronyms.
  • Include Puns and inside jokes.
  • Use offensive or inappropriate terms. Don't name your app something you wouldn't say to your Grandma.

Choosing a Name

This following process can help pick a good name:

  1. Brainstorm

    First, come up with ideas for your app name. One way to do this is to write down all the words from your app’s field or usage.

  2. Come up with a Shortlist

    Once you have a long list of names, sort through them and identify the strongest candidates.

  3. Do a Little Bit of Manual SEO

    Search the web to see if any of your names are already in use. If they are, discard them.

  4. A Winner Is Born

    Once you have a shortlist of viable names, just select one.