Repo Information
Where is the file server?
https://repos.fyralabs.com/terra41/ (opens in a new tab)
or for sources
https://repos.fyralabs.com/terra41-source/ (opens in a new tab)
Replace 41
with your Fedora release version.
What packages does Terra have?
A lot! We have all necessary Stardust XR (opens in a new tab) compontents, various hardware enablement tools, and also games, apps, fonts, and more!
You can search packages via dnf search
or Repology (opens in a new tab).
Why YET another repository?
Terra has much more transparency and ease of use/contribution
- You can see build logs via Github Actions (opens in a new tab)
- NOTE: due to Github limitations (opens in a new tab), logs are kept for 90 days only
- The Andaman (opens in a new tab) build system and Subatomic (opens in a new tab) are fully open sourced
- You can see build logs via Github Actions (opens in a new tab)
You can add and manage packages much more easily (See Contribute)
Our autoupdate system ensures that you get the latest packages, with less maintainer burden
You should see the full introduction at https://terra.fyralabs.com (opens in a new tab)
Technical details
What is your Build Infrastructure?
Andaman (opens in a new tab). x86 packages are built in Github Actions (opens in a new tab), while ARM packages are built using a cluster of Mac Minis owned and operated by Fyra Labs. These builds are then pushed to the repo.
Why Andaman (opens in a new tab)?
Written in rust, it provides an easy and efficient way to manage packages. Ultramarine Linux (opens in a new tab) did use Koji, but the complexity makes it harder for us to maintain packages, which is why we decided to create anda.
Anda is responsible for handling autoupdate and building the output artifacts. It supports both rpmbuild
and mock
, which couldn't be done using koji.
What is Subatomic (opens in a new tab)?
It manages, uploads, and signs packages.
Where does the package signing key live, and how is it protected?
Subatomic (opens in a new tab) runs on JWT tokens, and only Cappy (one of the maintainers) and the pipeline have them. The secret changes once in a while (and no one has it). The GPG signing key lives separately from the actual repositories.
The repo server is only accessible via HTTPS at https://repos.fyralabs.com/ (opens in a new tab), and is only accessible by system administrators.
Who has direct access to Terra?
See team members of terrapkg
(opens in a new tab).
How can I grab the SRPMs?
https://repos.fyralabs.com/terrarawhide-source/ (opens in a new tab)
You should be able to grab them by dnf download --source <pkgname>